Il Museo di Pietra [The Museum of Stone]Pasquale Paolucci (1892 – 1981)

About the Artist/Site

Paolucci worked from childhood as an itinerant shepherd, adapting his travels to guide the herds to areas of plenty during changing conditions. After enlisting in the army and fighting in Italy’s wars, he emigrated to Argentina, where he lived for almost a decade before returning to his native Frosolone. He built his farm on a small inherited piece of land, but in addition to his more pastoral work, he also created a museum of stone. Working over a forty-year period, he placed, decorated, or simply “recognized” hundreds of stones around his house and on a wall on his property. Most that he chose resemble animals and human figures; following the ancient myth of petrifaction, he believed that these figurative stones grew underground and had been brought to the surface by peasants of the past while working the land.

The site, located in the mountains in the Frosolone, Morgia Quadra area, is now abandoned, and many sculptures have been pushed or fallen over, or have been dismantled or lost.

~Gabriele Mina


Map & Site Information

Frosolone, Molise, 86095 it
Latitude/Longitude: 41.5993235 / 14.449635




Frosolone, Molise, 86095, Italy

Visiting Information

The site, located in the mountains in the Frosolone, Morgia Quadra area, is now abandoned, and many sculptures have been pushed or fallen over, or have been dismantled or lost.

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